The ISPCC has a long, proud history of service delivery and advocacy on behalf of children..
The aim of Threshold is to secure a right to housing, particularly for households experiencing the problems of poverty and exclusion.
Simon is recognised for providing innovative solutions to ending homelessness and for influencing government policy and public opinion in Ireland.
Citizens Information
Citizens Information is an Irish eGovernment website provided by the Citizens Information Board. The site provides public service information for Ireland.
Environment Matters
ENFO is Ireland's public information service on environmental matters.
The Environmental Protection Agency's mission is to protect and improve the natural environment.
Green Schools is an environmental education program that promotes whole school action for the environment.
Eco-School is in international programme for environmental management for schools organised by the Foundation for Environmental Education. FEE is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation promoting sustainable development through environmental education.
ECO UNESCO is Ireland's environmental education and youth organisation.
European Organisations is the official website of the European Union. It is a good starting point if you are looking for information and services provided by the EU but you don't know your way around our sites.
Human Rights
The United Nations Refugee Agency leads and co-ordinates international action to protect refugees.
One World has guides to human rights issues by country and by topic.
Save the Children fights for children who suffer from poverty, disease, injustice and violence.
UNICEF'S Convention on the Rights of the Child
The BBC website provides information and links to human rights organisations.
Irish Aid
Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland.
Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s programme of assistance to developing countries.
Concern Worldwide works with the poorest people in the poorest countries of the world to enable them to transform their lives
Irish Government
This is the website of the Irish President.
Irlgov is the Government of Ireland website.
Irish Statistics
Central Statistics Office of Ireland is one of the main sources of statistical information about Ireland.
United Nations
The UN is committed to preserving peace through international co-operation and collective security.