Introduction to the RSR
Please click above to access a presentation by Trevor Connoly, History Teacher, Moyle Park College.
Please click above to access a blank booklet to help you practice writing up your RSR.
PDST - Developing Students Research Skills
Please click above to access a presentation on how to develop good research skills which are essential for completing your research study.
Please click above for a PowerPoint produced by the PDST which gives an overview of the Research Study.
Please click above to access other curriculum resources developed by the PDST.
Please click above to access a student guide to the RSR prepared by the History In Service team.
Please click above to access the full guide.
Please click above to access the SEC marking indicators for LC History including the RSR.
Please click above to access the Chief Inspector's Report. It contains some useful advice on how to avoid the most common mistakes.
video demonstrates how to create a bibliography using the References feature in Microsoft Word.